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The collective of precarious workers of the University Paris-Saclay, the collective Saclay en lutte !, the SNESUP-FSU and the CGT call the staff and students of the University to gather on Tuesday at 1pm in front of the MAPS (building 399 on the campus of Orsay : for a festive picnic in order to exchange on the precariousness at the University and to build actions to fight it !
Moreover, last Friday Mrs. Sylvie Retailleau, president of the University of Paris-Saclay was appointed Minister of Higher Education and Research in the government of Elisabeth Borne. This appointment is deleterious in several respects:
On the one hand, it is emblematic of an unfair governmental project, consecrating the two-speed university where under-resourced and discredited bachelor’s degrees rub shoulders with master’s degrees and grandes écoles concentrating all the means on the Paris-Saclay model.
On the other hand, it consecrates the pernicious scheme where certain mandarins with permanent status actively work for the generalized casualization of their young colleagues, without ever seeing their own status endangered.
This festive picnic will therefore also be an opportunity to demonstrate our disagreement with the nomination of Sylvie Retailleau and her world of precariousness as head of higher education and research.
In solidarity,